Ursa Maior Brewery
in Bieszczady Mountains

An enterprise in Bieszczady Mouintains (part of Carpathian Mountains), founded and owned by local residents.

Watch a powerful thing: an incredible documentary about what the Bieszczady Mountains are. Maybe you will find yourself here?

Bieszczady Center

Ursa Maior that is the Great Bear

Ursa Maior – an independent private brewery in Bieszczady Mountains (microbrewery), a regional centre of art, creativity and design. Ursa Maior Brewery (Bieszczadzka Wytwórnia Piwa) is a real, non-virtual enterprise, located in Uherce Mineralne, between Lesko and Ustrzyki Dolne (Poland).

  • It is an honest-to-goodness brewery, built from scratch and run by committed owners.
  • You can come to Ursa and see yourself.
  • The entire facility uses renewable energy and other innovative solutions.
  • The brewery invests a portion of its profit in local initiatives focusing on the protection and promotion of the environmental and cultural treasures of the Bieszczady Mountains.

We build rather on what modern Bieszczady mean to us and like-minded people: a source of inspiration, a metaphorical way of charging our batteries, wildlife, an opportunity to learn how to deal with adversities and... freedom – the freedom we experience and share with you. It's a new land, a new world, constantly changing and taking previously unknown shapes. It's like nature. It's like an adventure!

We brewed

types of beers
in original styles

We founded


We produced

MWh of electricity
from the sun

Every year we are visited by



On site in brewery

Visiting the brewery

Enter the closed part of the brewery, a place where outstanding craft beers are made in small limited quantities.

Carpathian Essence Shop

A company shop where the variety will make you dizzy, and you won't see these products anywhere else in the world.

Ursa bar

The brewery has a bar with six taps serving URSA beers, URSA cider, juices and snacks matched with beer.


Ursa Maior people

Agnieszka Łopata

Owner, Executive Officer of Brewing, Beer & Flavours

Andrzej Czech

Owner, Sales Commander in Chief

Krzysztof Mycyk

The Grand Master of Machinery & Equipment Maintenance

Joanna Dobrowolska

The Brewery Bar & Bars Vicinity Manager

In addition to the above individuals, we work with creators, graphic designers, transporters and a whole lot of nice people.

Ursa Maior Center

Contact the Great Bear


Uherce Mineralne 122A, 38-623 Uherce Mineralne, Poland


+48 13 461 25 10, +48 791 146 277

Opening hours

From Monday to Sunday 10:00 – 16:30

Due to service reasons, the bar and gallery close 30 minutes before closing time.
The company store is open during the indicated hours.
The entire facility, including the parking lot, closes with the store.

Visiting the production part of the brewery, film screenings, visiting the gallery and tasting bottled beers in the bar area
is possible after prior arrangement by e-mail or phone.

Those conducting bus tours are kindly asked to contact us in advance by phone in order to improve service.